Shark of the Week: Goblin Shark

Just look at his teeth.  HO HO HO HO HO HO(You’ll understand that reference further down the post).

This week on Sharkville I’m going to show the world one of the coolest and unique Sharks around, the Goblin Shark.

Now when you read this you were probably like, Goblin?

Green Goblin?

But no you’re wrong, the Goblin Shark is deep-sea shark living under depths greater than 200m.  They can be found from parts of Australia all the way to Mexico.  They also don’t like sunlight so you, not Shark person, will never find one.  Unless you become a Shark expert but I dont’ expect that.  You’re a punk.

These Sharks have very funky looking teeth.  Like just look at the teeth. They’re so funky fresh.  It makes me think of this.

Oh and Sharkville would like to wish you a Happy Halloween.